E3 2012 is officially over. A lot of noise, a lot of girls, sweaty nerds
and some electronic entertainment. After some investigative journalism
(a.k.a. talking to people), I have discovered why this year seems a bit
off—it’s a transitional year. It’s that strange year between the current
gen consoles and the next gen consoles. Which means, there are games
being developed for the “PS4” and the “Xbox720,” but those systems
aren’t announced, so the companies are squeezing the last bit of life
out of the current systems and secretly working on the good stuff. Oddly
enough, a good year for crazy floor displays. This thing is huge!
I spent most of the last day at the Nintendo booth, checking out their
Wii U wares. For the most part, they're games we’ve already seen for the
Wii, but with a bit of a twist. The twist being, one of the Wii-remotes
is now a Wii U controller, which is more or less a tablet with analog
sticks and buttons. I didn’t really feel that there were many games on
the floor that utilized this new concept in an interesting way, but the
system is still in its infancy.
But, before I get on the Nintendo bashing bandwagon, I will say this—at
least they’re trying something new! I don’t think either Sony or
Microsoft would be willing to try an interface so unique. And there were
a few games that really stood out. Zombie Wii-U sounds insanely generic, but consistently had a long line all day. And the Wii-U game of the show for me was Platinum Game’s P-100 (working
title). A crazy crowd control game, where you herd a group of civilians
turned heroes through isometric landscapes and fight crazy robot aliens
with giant guns, swords, and whatnot. Really fun, really spirited, and
more impressive—a new IP!
And for the many people who have never attended E3, but have wondered
what it's like going there as a "high-profile" journalist, let me tell
you what you’re missing. First off, imagine standing in line for 3 hours
to get a 20-minute preview of a highly anticipated game and maybe even
getting a T-shirt for your troubles. Fun! And if you’re really cool, you
get to go into the luxurious E3 Media Lounge--a place with free
sandwiches and unbelievably slow Internet. But you can't beat this
carpet! So geometric! So brown and green!
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